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Your at the store looking at all these cool disc when you realize the numbers on the disc are different. What does that mean? Which ones will make me throw further and shoot lower? How do I know which one to choose?

Great questions, we’ll break down for you.

What do the numbers on a disc golf disc mean?

The 4 numbers on disc golf disc are the flight rating numbers that describe the flight characteristics of the disc. The 4 numbers in order are Speed, Glide, Turn, and Fade. Essentially these numbers are a gauge of how the disc should fly in ideal conditions.

Speed: Rated 1 — 14

How hard you need to throw the disc (most beginners should stay below 10). Speed is the ability of the disc to cut through the air. Discs with high numbers are faster. Faster discs go farther into the wind with less effort. Slower discs take more power to throw but have less of a chance to fly past the basket.

Glide: Rated 1 — 7

How long the disc will stay in the air (beginners should use a higher glide rating to get more distance). Glide describes how much loft a disc has. Discs with higher glide ratings are best for new players or producing maximum distance, especially when downwind.

Turn: Rated -5 — +1

How much the disc turns to the right when released (for right-hand backhand throwers). This number is used to describe understable vs stable disc. A disc with a +1 rating is most resistant to turning over, while a -5 rated disc will turn over the most. Discs with less turn are more accurate in windy conditions and are easier to throw for beginners.

Fade: Rated 0 — 5

How much the disc will hook to the left at the end of the flight, for right-hand backhand throwers. A disc with a 0 fade rating will fly the straightest while discs with a 5 rating will turn to the left significantly at the end of the flight. Discs with high fade are typically used for Skip and Spike shots.